Personal names are alphabetical by family name, except Condoleezza Rice, who is filed under Condi. The articles containing my recommendations for the 2006-11-07 California ballot propositions are listed in numerical sequence by proposition number, filed under California.
131 countries and counting
2006-Q1 Index
500,000 Little Pieces
The Academy Awards®
Alito and McClellan
Alito and strip-searching 10yo girls for drugs
Alito and the Concerned Alumni, again
Alpha Phi Alpha's second century of service
The Amazingly Tacky Race
America dodged a bullet with Charles Pickering
American Dreamz
American Dreamz with a Z
Angelides campaign rally
Another spam-related quickie
The anti-Fatah Intifada
Apple system update woes
Dick Armey on Hardball tomorrow
Reza Aslan nails Stephen Colbert
Bad (former) free blog counter!
General Batiste on the Iraq War
Bedtime for Botha
Joe Biden for President
Big news in the South Dakota abortion debate
Tony Blankley Blows Goats for Spare Change
Tony Blankley foretells the end of his own career
Bloodlust is Unpatriotic
Blown away by the beauty of "Unpretty"
Senator Boxer on the Colbert Report
Brownie plays the Blame Game
Bush Repeats Himself
George W. Bush, Michael Brown, and the Mainstream Media
Bye-bye, First Amendment
Bye, bye, Scottie!
California Bond Measures
No, no, no, NO on Prop 83
Yes on 84
No, no, no, NO on Prop 85
Yes on 86
Yes on 87
No on 88
Yes on 89
No, no, no, NO on Prop 90
Cartman brings us Hitler the Punster
Cat dials 9-1-1
CBN on the effectiveness of prayer
CBN says Cheney will step down
CBN, your #1 source for Christian jingoist fake news
Centennial of the Earthquake
Changing Cable Companies
Hugo Chávez, Dictator in Training
Clean-Money Elections
Bill Clinton on Larry King
Bill Clinton on The Daily Show transcript
CNN changes another Republican scandal to Democrat
Colbert Report NAACP interview
Colbert's Shout Out to Antarctica
Colbert's Superficial Ingratiation
Stephen Colbert and Bruce Bartlett
Stephen Colbert fixed Canada!
Stephen Colbert is destroying America
Stephen Colbert is Lincolnish
Stephen Colbert is NO LONGER Lincolnish
Stephen Colbert = Rod Serling on acid
Stephen Colbert's alternate dimension of trilingualism
Come join our zombie robot army to destroy the Internet!
The Comma Comment
Condi on 60 Minutes
Condi on Meet the Press
Condi on MtP
Congressman Pedophile
A conservative look at Habeas
Credit card scam
Credit union scam
Criticizing versus "Going Negative"
Daily Show reviews Al Jazeera English
Damn you, Jon Stewart — LET MY CORDDRYS GO!
John Dean on the Daily Show
Decision 2044: Lincoln v. Maylyn
Democrats have to do better
The depths of Dubya's soul
Did the generals want more troops?
Disturbing search engine hits
Don't execute Moussaoui
Dubai Ports changes course
Jeff Dunham on Comedy Central this weekend
Earmark reform
Eavesdropping versus Wiretapping
Eighteen and counting
Ellis Act Eviction Protest
Daniel Ellsberg on Torture
An end to filibustering judges
Enzyte's Swelling of Shame
fdgqdgfqsf [Equatorial Guinea's Internet registrar]
An Especially Cynical Scam E-mail
Evening of Conscience
An excellent and timely cartoon
Farrakhan tells the truth for once
Film Festival
Financial genius
Five Years Later
Flag Desecration
James Frey back on Oprah
From Selma to Monrovia, Happy MLK Day
Fundamentally flawed
Funny, I don't REMEMBER driving drunk....
Bill Gates on tomorrow's Oprah
Give your mail carrier an armful
Giving 9/11 families some closure
God commands you to kill your baby
Alberto Gonzales on Gitmo
Good bye, Andy Card
Good riddance, Tom DeLay
Al Gore in Berkeley for Prop 87
The Great Debate
Great name for a Televangelist
Greetings from Black Rock City!
Guy Fawkes Day
The Gwot and the Elgiis
Handy Halloween Hint
Karen Hanretty tried to swiftboat Gerald Ford
Happy 9/11!
Happy Columbine Day!
Happy Presidents' Day!
Hit Count Envy
How about fully funding the Border Patrol?
How Molecular Is Your Sidewalk?
Hunters Point Protest
I feel myself with sleep
Independence for Montenegro
Inside Iraq on Al Jazeera
Inside the SFPD: the Bayview
Intelligent Design and the Lotto
Interface Enhancements
Interrogation techniques
Iraq Study Group
It's Nightline All Day
Jesus Camp
Jonesing for fake news
The joys of HDTV
Katrina Kids sing for Bill Maher
Kerry owes NO ONE an apology
Kill those who advocate killing those who insult Islam
Killing actual babies
Coretta Scott King
Jack Kingston on the balanced budget
Bill Kristol on the Daily Show
Ned Lamont on the Colbert Report
The Lesson of Vietnam
Leviticus 18:22, anyone?
Russ Lieber kicks Colbert's 屁股
A little morning Kofi with your Hamas?
MacWorld Blogger Lunch
MacWorld, Intel, Hitler, and Colbert
Bill Maher and Michael Ware
Bill Maher New Rules
Bill Maher was AWESOME
Bill Maher, live and in person
Bill Maher's panelists on press bias
Bill Maher's season-closing editorial
Making New Orleans safe for Jesus
Malaria or DDT: is that really the choice?
Manx-Americans on Postage Stamps
McCaffrey on Iraq and Iran
John McCain on The Daily Show
McCain on the Daily Show again
Merry Orthodox Christmas
The message sent by the Milquetoast Democrats
A Message to our Arabic Readers
Money = Shit
Money for the Blind
Montenegro's Country Code
More on Hugo Chávez
More on Moussaoui
Moussaoui the Coward
Moussaoui Trained to Lie
Zacarias Moussaoui's delusions of grandeur
Movie Review: An Inconvenient Truth
Murtha and Carville
John Murtha on Nightline, AGAIN
Pervez Musharraf on the Daily Show
Muslims speak out against anti-cartoon violence
My comment on the Volokh Conspiracy
My new reality show
My own trilingual adventure
Net Neutrality
The newest Internet country code
The Newest Nuclear Nation
Newt on MtP: 2006 election
Newt on MtP: espionage
Nitpicking Brokeback Mountain
Niyazov is dead!
No tears for Slobo
Michael Nudow on CBN News
O Canada, Terre de Mes Haïe-jeux
Obnoxious virus spam
Off to see Al Gore
Olbermann's last pre-election "Special Comment"
One more clueless voter
One week till Satan's Primary
Open Thread 2006-04-06
Open Thread for Fur'ners Only
Oprah on Schools in Crisis
Oprah really IS an angel
Peaceful cartoon protests
A Personal Tale about Immigration
Pinochet is Dead
Plagiarizing Colbert's Plagiarism
Danielle Pletka's world of delusion
Ramesh Ponnuru on the Colbert Report
Pope Benedict celebrates Lent
Ports controversy
Prattlestar Galaxative comes of age
President Cheney attempted murder?
Questioning Lethal Injection
Radio Talk Show Hosts on Larry King
Jorge Ramos on Bill Maher
A random stroll through the blogosphere
Rat-Pack Rat Pack-Rat
Dan Rather on the Daily Show
Reader Rant: The America Sad Denial Case
Religious provocation
Remembering Veterans Day
Rewriting the Vietnam War
Rhetoric versus Action, Bush style
Rob the Racist Hates...
Dana Rohrabacher on Bill Maher
Dana Rohrabacher Whines about Oppressed Christians
Rot in Jail, Crazy Scumbag!
Rummy stonewalling on mental health task force
Rumsfeld's Bunker
Rush transcript in progress
San Francisco's Rainbow City Hall
Se jábala español
A Sensible Marriage Law
Eric Shawn on the Daily Show
Cindy Sheehan's t-shirt
Short-term and long-term views of Alito
Signs of Dissent among the Republicans
Signs of Hope in Iraq and America
Silly Jon Stewart "tactical error"
A Sincere Compliment to President Bush
Sir, No Sir!
Six and a half billion little pieces
Smackdown: Corddry v. Corddry!
Snake-oil Infomercial on PBS
Tony Snow on George W. Bush
Socks for President
South Dakota, leading the way into the 19th century
South Park, Scientology, and Chef
John Spencer (Leo McGarry)
Stare Decisis, Roe v Wade, and Alito
State of the Union
Jon Stewart is back!
Jon Stewart on Ted Haggard
Jon Stewart on the Colbert Report
Sticks and Stones
Stupor Bowl
Sundance Kabuki!
The Taiwan Problem
Telecom Non Grata
Tis the season for gay sons on TV
To filibuster Alito or not
Christine Todd Whitman
General Tony Zinni on the Daily Show
Trackback spam
The True Culture War
Undoing a half century of civil rights
Union membership is patriotic
Unwarranted Eavesdropping
Voting machine fraud in Florida and Texas
Washington, D.C.
Waterboarding isTorture, Period
We did the right thing, executing Clarence Allen
We Must ALL Stop ManBearPig
"We're losing ground here, three years on"
Welcome, Crooks & Liars, Wash. Monthly...
What a difference italics can make!
What happened to the Corddry death match?
What we need to tell children about sex
Why do they hiatus?
Why does Cornell University keep spamming me?
Why We Fight
Will Pelosi turn into Willie Brown?
Witness Al Jazeera in English
Words of Truth from Donald Rumsfeld
World Can't Wait in San Francisco
World Can't Wait LIVE
World Can't Wait News Conference
World Can't Wait TODAY
Ya just gotta love it
Yes on Oversight, No on Impeachment
You can't even tell your own lawyer
You might say...
Click below to see the 2006 index...
Sunday, December 31, 2006
2006 Index by Title
Posted by
Lincoln Madison
11:59 PM
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