TV news icon Dan Rather — my brother's former boss — was the guest on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart, talking about “liberal media bias” and the politicization of TV news. The embedded video clip and full transcript follow below the fold.
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Transcript: Dan Rather on The Daily Show
Posted by
Lincoln Madison
11:20 PM
Labels: transcript
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Errata • أخطاء مطبعية
The telephone area code website, on the Africa page, lists +212 52 as a telephone prefix for several places in southern Morocco. It previously included an incorrect listing for ⴰⵝⴰⴷⵉⵔ, ⵓⵎⵔⵔⵓⴽ. That listing should have indicated ⴰⴳⴰⴷⵉⵔ, ⵍⵎⴻⵖⵔⵉⴱ (ⴰⵎⴻⵔⵔⵓⴽ). regrets the error, and apologizes to anyone who may have been seeking telephone information about ⵍⵎⴻⵖⵔⵉⴱ in ⵜⴰⵎⴰⵣⵉⵖⵜ, ⵜⴰⵙⴻⵍⵃⵉⵜ, ⵜⴰⵔⵉⴼⵉⵜ, ⵜⴰⵇⴱⴰⵢⵍⵉⵜ, or ⵜⵉⴼⵉⵏⴰⵖ. The errors have now been corrected.Interestingly, was the only place on the Internet that the misspelling “ⴰⵝⴰⴷⵉⵔ” appeared, at least as far as Google could tell. Note also that ⴰⵎⴻⵔⵔⵓⴽ (امهرروک) should not be confused with أمريكا.
Annotated version:
The telephone area code website, on the Africa page, lists +212 52 as a telephone prefix for several places in southern Morocco. It previously included an incorrect listing for ⴰⵝⴰⴷⵉⵔ, ⵓⵎⵔⵔⵓⴽ [Athadir, Morocco, written in North African Berber Tifinagh alphabet, with the country name spelled in Algerian dialect]. That listing should have indicated ⴰⴳⴰⴷⵉⵔ, ⵍⵎⴻⵖⵔⵉⴱ (ⴰⵎⴻⵔⵔⵓⴽ) [Agadir, Elmeɣrib (Elmeghrib) (Amerruk) — Morocco as spelled in Moroccan Berber]. regrets the error, and apologizes to anyone who may have been seeking telephone information about ⵍⵎⴻⵖⵔⵉⴱ [Elmeghrib, or Morocco] in ⵜⴰⵎⴰⵣⵉⵖⵜ [Tamazight, or Central Atlas Berber], ⵜⴰⵙⴻⵍⵃⵉⵜ [Tashelhiyt, or Shilha Berber], ⵜⴰⵔⵉⴼⵉⵜ [Tarifit, or Rifian Berber], ⵜⴰⵇⴱⴰⵢⵍⵉⵜ [Taqbaylit, or Kabyle Berber (Algeria)], or ⵜⵉⴼⵉⵏⴰⵖ [Tifinagh, the Berber name for the Berber alphabet]. The errors have now been corrected.Interestingly, was the only place on the Internet that the misspelling “ⴰⵝⴰⴷⵉⵔ” [“Athadir”] appeared, at least as far as Google could tell. Note also that ⴰⵎⴻⵔⵔⵓⴽ [Amerruk, western Berber spelling of Morocco] (امهرروک) [Amerruk, written in Arabic script] should not be confused with أمريكا [Amrika, Arabic for America].
…and just in case you see a bunch of boxes above instead of funky Berber words, here’s what it should look like:
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Posted by
Lincoln Madison
2:02 PM
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